Italy introduces the categories of digital nomads and remote workers into its immigration law

Mar 30, 2022

Italy has introduced the categories of digital nomads and remote workers in its immigration law

⚠️ In order to enable this type of visa, the Italian government shall issue a decree implementing this decision. Unfortunately, such decree has not been issued yet.

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Digital Nomads and Remote Workers are defined as “citizens of a third country who carry out highly qualified work activities through the use of technological tools that allow to work remotely, autonomously or for a company based outside Italy”

The Digital Nomad Visa enters into the category of permits of stay that Italy grants to third-country nationals in order to be able to carry out their work remotely. The proposal submitted to the Houses of Parliament has been approved and converted into law (L. 55 del 28 Marzo 2022, art. 6-quinquies) (check the news here). The implementing provisions, such as the application requirements and the procedure for granting and issuing the permit, will be transposed into the Italian Consolidated Immigration Law – Testo unico sull’immigrazione (Legislative Decree no. 286 of 1998). For these categories of workers it will not be necessary to apply for a work permit before applying for the visa. A visa will be issued on the basis of the availability of a comprehensive health insurance, covering all risks in Italy and on condition that tax and social security obligations are met.

This permit seems applicable both to:

  • nationals of a third country who are self-employed or employed for a non-resident company in the territory of the Italian State;
  • nationals of a third country who carry out their activity in Italy.

Within 30 days from the date of entry into force of this law provision (28th March, 2022) the government shall set specific guidelines on the application procedure, defining the procedures and requirements for issuing the residence permits, the categories of workers that will be affected and the minimum income that the applicant must met.

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