New Residence Permit Application Fees

Jan 09, 2017

Italian Government has reintroduced filing fees for the residence permit “permesso di soggiorno” application.

The new amounts are as follows:

  • Residence permit card valid from 3 months to 1 year: €40,00
  • Residence permit card valid from 1 to 2 years: €50,00
  • EC residence permit card for long-term residents and intra-company residence permit: € 100,00

Fixed expenses remain in place – about €76 (€30.46 for the electronic card; €16 Euro for application stamp and €30 EUR as mailing fee).



In October 2011, a joint Ministerial decree had introduced high residence permit application/renewal fees (from € 80 to 200, depending on the type and duration of the permit, in addition to the fixed expenses already in place). In 2015, the European Court of Justice had judged the tax to be a violation of EU regulations. Subsequently, The Regional Administrative Court of Lazio had declared the residence permit tax illegal and abolished the fee on applications (May 2016). On 14 September 2016, with Presidential Decree No. 03903/2016 the Council of State had decided to suspend the court order of the TAR, Lazio’s Regional Administrative Court, and the fees were temporarily reintroduced until a final decision was reached. Again, in November 2016, The Council of State confirmed the abolishment of the residence permit application/renewal fees introduced in 2011 (€ 80 to 200). Starting from today, new fees are in place, however lower than the amounts introduced in 2011 which were challenged by the European Court of Justice

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