Post-Brexit guidance and assistance for UK citizens moving to or living in Italy | Mazzeschi Legal Counsels

Starting January 1st, 2021 UK citizens are considered non-EU nationals by all means. They will need to undergo the necessary immigration procedures to stay in Italy for longer than the 90 days Schengen allowance.

Such limitations are not applied to UK citizens who were registered with the Anagrafe (Register Office) of the Municipality (Comune) before Jan 1, 2021. These individuals can continue to live, work and study in Italy. They are required to apply for documentation that will provide evidence of their status in Italy, as opposed to those UK citizens who are not covered by the WA (i.e. not registered before 31/12/20) and therefore do not enjoy the same rights.

Brexit FAQs

  1. What should I do if:
    • I am a UK citizen living in Italy but I have never registered with the local Register Office – You can no longer register after the end of the transition period and are subject to the 90 day Schengen allowance. You no longer enjoy free movement and will need to undergo relevant Italian Immigration procedures to legally stay in the country for longer than 90 days. Note that it is not possible to do this so in country, you must leave the Schengen area to avoid overstays.
    • I am a UK citizen living in Italy and I have registered with the local Register Office – Starting from January 1st 2021, UK citizens resident in Italy before December 31st, 2020 must apply for a biometric residence permit.

  2. What about healthcare coverage?
    UK citizens registered – UK citizens registered with municipality (FAQ3) by December 31st are entitled to register with the Italian state healthcare system (fees may apply)
    UK citizens not registered – At the moment any UK citizen travelling to Italy on business/tourism will need private health - as for any non-EU national – at least until can register with the Italian State healthcare system (non-EU citizens need immigration paperwork to do this)

  3. Are UK citizens able to work in Italy?
    UK citizens registered – UK citizens registered in Italy before the end of the Transition Period can continue working in Italy with no restrictions
    UK citizens not registered – UK citizens are non-EU nationals and any Italian company looking to hire a non-EU national needs to follow Italian Immigration Law where the employee requires a work permit, work visa and residence permit. In general, for any trip that is longer than 90 days, UK citizens will need to go through the options available in Italian Immigration Law.

  4. How have Italian citizenship rules changed for UK citizens?
    UK citizens registered – UK citizens who have applied for citizenship before 31/12/2020 will be treated as EU citizens for which requirement for citizenship through naturalisation is being registered for at least 4 years in Italy, this period must be uninterrupted and maintained until citizenship adjudication (this may take up to 3 years)
    UK citizens not registered – A UK citizen applying for citizenship after 1 January 2021 would be required to have 10 years continuous residency (required for non-EU nationals applying for citizenship through naturalisation)

  5. Should I exchange my UK driving license?
    UK citizens registered – If you are a resident in Italy you should obtain an Italian licence. You will need to take a driving test. UK citizens who have applied for Italian driving license before 1 January 2021, will not have to take a driving test.
    UK citizens not registered – to get the Italian license they will have to take the driving test

  6. Professional qualifications
    There is no automatic recognition for professions. UK citizens will have to seek recognition of their qualification to be able to practise it in Italy.

[updated 22/01/2020]

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