SCHENGEN VISA CODE | Mazzeschi Legal Counsels

Feb 17, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions on the Schengen visa-free system

FAQs about the Schengen Visa-Free System Here you can find 15 frequently asked questions on the Schengen visa-free, and their answers...
Mar 22, 2022

Grounds for extension of short term Schengen visas

One of the most controversial topics for clients concerns the grounds for obtaining an extension of an issued visa. On July 9, 2014, the...
Aug 28, 2020

Why was your Schengen visa rejected last time?

Why was your visa rejected last time? One of the most common reasons for Schengen visa denial is that the submitted documents are not...
May 08, 2019

Handbook for the processing of Schengen visa applications

The Handbook for the Process of Visa Applications and the Modification of Issued Visas The Handbook lays down operational instructions,...
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