04 | Schengen Visa | Mazzeschi Legal Counsels

Jul 24, 2024

What is EES (Entry/Exit System)?

Entry and Exit System (EES) : Definition, Participating States and FAQs The Entry and Exit System (EES) is a new electronic system of the...
Jun 14, 2024

Travel to Schengen with a Criminal Record

Travel to Schengen with a Criminal Record: Can I travel to Europe with a criminal record? Which criminal offences will need to be reported...
Nov 14, 2023

EU Council Approves Online Schengen Visa Applications

Online Schengen Visa Applications On November 13, the EU Council adopted new rules which will allow to file Schengen visa applications...
Aug 02, 2023

Schengen 90/180 days rule: how do you count your days?

Schegen Visa: how do you count your days? Your total stay in the Schengen area (the Schengen area is a border free zone that includes the...
Jul 31, 2023

Schengen Visa application and the requirement for financial means

Which documents should be submitted when lodging a uniform Schengen visa application regarding the required financial means? One of the...
Mar 20, 2023

Working remotely while on vacation in Italy

The digital nomad visa is not operative yet in Italy and the self-employment visa is subject to a very limited number of quotas and extremely...
Feb 17, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions on the Schengen visa-free system

FAQs about the Schengen Visa-Free System Here you can find 15 frequently asked questions on the Schengen visa-free, and their answers...
Apr 18, 2022

How to count your Schengen 90 days

Non-EU visitors can stay in the Schengen countries for maximum 90 days any 180 day period, but the calculation is not easy! What is the...
Mar 22, 2022

Grounds for extension of short term Schengen visas

One of the most controversial topics for clients concerns the grounds for obtaining an extension of an issued visa. On July 9, 2014, the...
Apr 23, 2021

Schengen Area: Limited territorial validity visas

Schengen Area: LIMITED TERRITORIAL VALIDITY VISAS (visas valid for the issuing Member State only) According to Article 25 of the Schengen...
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