What to do when leaving Italy

Jun 23, 2023

If you have stayed in Italy (for a long stay, therefore you have applied for a permit of stay), when leaving Italy permanently, there are certain immigration formalities that should be done.

  • If you are in Italy on an intra-company assignment and you leave before the assignment ends, the Italian company that has applied for the work permit (Nulla Osta) should notify the relevant immigration office of the anticipated end of the assignment and cancel the work permit
  • If your permit of stay (permesso di soggiorno) is still valid, you should leave it with the border police when leaving. The police should issue you with a receipt stating that you are leaving permanently and that you have surrendered the residence permit card. It is advisable also to send a “PEC” (an Italian certified e-mail) to the Questura (Police Office) that has issued the permit, notifying of the departure.
  • If you are registered as a resident with the City Council (Comune) you must cancel your residency by filling out the form called “Dichiarazione di trasferimento di residenza all’estero” and sending it via email to the Anagrafe (Registry) Office of the relevant City Council

It is important to take all necessary actions upon leaving the country otherwise there may be consequences on taxes liability and on the possibility to re-enter the country in the future.

Additionally, we suggest checking with your counsels whether there is a need to deregister also with the Social Security Agency (INPS) and any other offices.

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