Annual Fee for Non-EU Nationals adhering to the Italian National Health Service

Jan 11, 2024

About the budgetary law and the Italian National Health Service for non-EU nationals

The Italian Government has approved the Italian budget law for 2024. In terms of healthcare of immigrants, it has been introduced a measure in which some non-EU citizens have the option to register for the Italian National Health Service (NHS) by paying an annual contribution of 2,000 euros (which can be reduced to 700 euros in case of students, and to 1200 in case of au pairs).

Previously (in October 2023), the Ministry of Health clarified that this rule applies to specific categories of non-EU citizens who are not entitled to compulsory registration with the Italian NHS. The categories include students and au pairs staying in Italy for less than 3 months, individuals with a residence permit for elective residence, religious personnel, diplomatic and consular staff, non-EU seconded employees of companies, foreigners participating in volunteer programs, and parents over the age of sixty-five for family reunification. The rule does not affect those who are already compulsorily registered with the NHS, such as individuals with various types of residence permits, unaccompanied foreign minors, and individuals awaiting the issuance of their first residence.

If you are interested in learning more about the Italian National Health Service (NHS), please check the below articles.

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