What is the “certificato di idoneità alloggiativa” and why do you need it for your Immigration process in Italy?

Oct 25, 2023

What is the “Certificato di idoneità alloggiativa”? 

The Housing Feasibility Certificate (Certificato di idoneità alloggiativa) is issued by the technical office of the competent City Hall (Comune) where the property is located. This document confirms whether the house is compliant with current health and safety regulations and determines the number of individuals allowed to live inside without overcrowding. 

When do you need a Certificato di idoneità alloggiativa?

During your Immigration process to Italy, you may be required to submit the Certificate di idoneità Alloggiativa for the following cases:

  • Family procedures 
  • Permesso di soggiorno UE di lungo periodo
  • Signing of the Contract of stay (entry for work)
  • Conversion of permit 

Please note: children under the age of 14 are not included in the calculation of the number of people lodging in the house. 

What are the generic requirements to apply for the HFC?

Even though requirements and necessary documents to obtain the certificate may vary depending on the city hall where the application is submitted, generally speaking, the property must be properly equipped with heating, rooms must have sufficient lighting, and air exchange must be guaranteed by a suitable cleaning air system. 

One of the most important criteria the applicant should consider when renting or purchasing a house is the size of the property for several people:

  • 1 person – at least 14 square meters
  • 2 people – at least 28 square meters
  • 3 people – at least 42 square meters
  • 4 people –at least 56 square meters
  • +10 square meters, for any other additional person

When it comes to required documents, they may differ depending on each City hall (Comune) where the application needs to be submitted. However, the applicant should make sure to be in possession of an apprtment contract duly registered at the Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Revenue Office) and the property’s documents, such as cadastral plans.

Moreover, it is important to consider that the main issue applicants may face when applying for an HFC is that the processing time to get this certificate can be quite long. In fact, in some cases, it may take up to 3 months to have the certificate issued.

This article was written by: Eleonora Rossi

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